Maximum Yield Australia/New Zealand January/February 2023 | Page 42




While most growers know phosphorus is key for plants in the fruiting stage , Kent Gruetzmacher explains how this macronutrient is also essential in all phases of plant growth .
by Kent Gruetzmacher

With so many different food crops and house plants , it can be tough to know exactly what type of fertilisers to use during different growth phases . The food that perennials require during the springtime is much different than what you feed tomato plants in August when they are fruiting . As one of the primary nutrients , phosphorus is included in just about any fertiliser sold on the market today . Interestingly , phosphorus can be found in every living cell on the planet , including both animals and plants . When phosphorus is lacking , there is simply no other substitute . While plants use phosphorus throughout their lives , it is particularly valuable during flowering and fruiting . To ensure you are using the right fertilisers during the correct growth phases , we put together this brief exploration on the importance of phosphorus for fruiting plants .

What Exactly are Fruiting Plants ?
The terms “ flower ” and “ fruit ” are easily confused in the world of horticulture . While they represent slightly different growth phases , both flowers and fruits are parts of the sexual reproduction systems of plants . However , while all fruits grow from flowers , not all plants that grow flowers produce fruit . Also referred to as blossoms , flowers are the reproductive organs of female flowering plants . In the most basic sense , flowers produce gametes which are then fertilised with male gametes through pollination . After flowers are fertilised , seedbearing fruit grows in their place . In fact , plants grow edible fruit as a way to disseminate seeds by way of animals and humans . With such specialised growth phases and constituent parts , fruiting plants require a rather specific nutrient feeding schedule to maximise production .
42 Maximum Yield