Maximum Yield Australia/New Zealand January/February 2023 | Page 31

by Rich Hamilton

Do cucumbers have to be grown on a trellis ? No , not at all . Many people grow them horizontally across the ground . The problem with this , however , is that once the vines start to get long and sprawl naturally , they can quickly take over the garden . By the end of the summer , you may struggle to reach other crops or move quickly around your garden because the cucumber vines can become so entangled and vast . Consider growing your cucumbers on a trellis as you would with beans — it will be one of the best gardening decisions ever made . There are two varieties of cucumber plants : vining and bush . If you want to grow your cucumbers on a trellis , you need the vining ( or climbing ) variety . The climbing varieties have vining tendrils : side shoots that emerge from the main stem . These tendrils can reach out and grab onto anything they touch .

Why Grow Cucumbers on a Trellis ?
• Space — When you train the vines vertically , it frees up tons of space in your garden . You may even have room for other shorter crops underneath .
• Prevent disease — Soil can get on the leaves when they ’ re on the ground . Keeping cucumbers off the ground slows down the spread of disease , making for healthier plants .
• Improved airflow — Growing cucumbers vertically allows for a better , more even airflow . Foliage will dry out faster , helping to prevent fungal diseases .
• Pest protection — Getting cukes up off the ground keeps them out of reach of many pests . Additionally , they are less likely to rot than when sitting on the ground .
• Easy harvest — Trellising cucumbers makes them easier to harvest . They hang down from the vine , making them much easier to see and cut down .
• Aesthetics — Since gravity pulls them down , your crops will always be straight and beautiful . They ’ re also cleaner and won ’ t have any yellow spots on them ( which happens when they lay on the ground ).
“ Consider growing your cucumbers on a trellis as you would with beans — it will be one of the best gardening decisions ever made .”
What Type of Trellis is Best ?
When choosing the perfect support to grow your cucumbers vertically , there are several things you must consider .
• Height — Cucumber vines can get long , so think about size . Between one to two metres tall is perfect for your trellis height . Make sure the trellis is tall enough , so they have plenty of space , but aren ’ t so tall that you can ’ t reach the fruits on top .
• Strength — The vertical structure you choose for trellising cucumbers must be strong enough to hold their weight . The vines are lightweight , but they will quickly become heavy once the fruits mature .
• Airflow — Make sure the support you choose is open enough , so the vines aren ’ t kept packed together . Good aeration will prevent fungal diseases from occurring . Plus , they are much easier to maintain and harvest when spaced out .
Maximum Yield 31