Mathematical Modeling Questions for Secondary School Curriculum | Page 52

By Oscar Claramonte
1 . -What is the meaning of the expression 40mg / ml ? How many mg . of ibuprofen contains each ml of syrup ? It means that in each ml of syrup there are 40 mg of ibuprofen . 2 . - Calculate how many mg . Ramiro must consume every day . 28 · 25 = 700mg . 3 . - Calculate how many ml . Ramiro must consume every day . 700 : 40 = 17 ’ 5 ml . 4 . - How many ml . must Ramiro drink each dose ? 17 ’ 5 : 3 = 5 ’ 83 ml every day 5 . - Complete the table below :
6 . - Find out a formula relating weight and dose ( mg .). 25x = y 7 . - Find out a formula showing the relationship between weight and dose ( ml .). 25x : 40 = y 8 . - Apply the previous formulae and calculate the dose in mg . and ml . for a child whose weight is 22.25kg . 22 ’ 25 · 25 = 556 ’ 25 mg 25 · 22 ’ 25 : 40 = 13 ’ 90625 ml 9 . - Represent each function using a coordinates system axes .