Mathematical Modeling Questions for Secondary School Curriculum | Page 4

Newspaper Sales

Author : Özlem Kahraman
Newspapers , one of the most important arguments of our world , which has moved into the age of total information , were also greatly affected by this situation . Electronic media reporting is doubling its power every day . When we look at the habits of young people who will determine the conditions of the coming period , we learn that when they first enter the internet , they click on news sites more . As such , newspapers shrink in terms of circulation and this situation requires new measures to be taken . In the process that starts with a decrease in the number of pages , the owners make a price reduction in order to make the newspaper more attractive .
The circulation of a newspaper with a sales price of 1.6 Euros is 150 000 . According to a study conducted among readers , the number of people who buy the newspaper increases by 15000 for every 0.1 euro discount on the sale price . What should the newspaper ' s new sale price be in order to make the most profit ?
Related Topics and Concepts : Quadratic Functions Real Life Context : Price policy , circulation , economy