Mathematical Modeling Questions for Secondary School Curriculum | Page 20

Pressure and Temperature

Author : : Abel Carenas Velamazán
Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac in the early 1800s , established the relationship between the temperature and the pressure of a gas when the volume is constant . Obtaining the following graph :
A ) What is the relationship between pressure and temperature ?
B ) Write the expression that relates pressure and temperature
C ) A gas is at a pressure of 2 atm and at a temperature of 27 º C . Up to what temperature do we have to heat the gas so that the pressure triples ? The volume of the gas does not change .
D ) The wheel of a car contains air at a pressure of 2.5 atm and the temperature is 20 º C . After a long journey the air temperature rises to 55 º C . What pressure will the air in the wheel have ?
Related Topics and Concepts : State variables in gases Real Life Context : Physics and Fluid Technology