Mathematical Modeling Questions for Secondary School Curriculum | Page 10


Patient information leaflet

Author : Inmaculada Illán


Mr . and Ms . Martínez went to the doctor because their son Ramiro was ill . Ramiro had a temperature and the doctor decided to prescribe him an antipyretic ( an antipyretic is a medicine that brings the fever down ).
Ramiro ’ s parents bought the syrup and when they read the patient information leaflet , there appeared the information below :
IBUPROFEN 40mg / ml
Contains : 150 ml . Dosage : The dose depends on the child ’ s weight and age . For children between 3 months and 12 years old , the daily recommended dose is 25 mg / kg a day ( every 6 or 8 hours ).
Ramiro is 8 years old and weighs 28 kg . 1 . -What is the meaning of the expression 40mg / ml ? How many mg . of ibuprofen contains each ml of syrup ? 2 . - Calculate how many mg . Ramiro must consume every day . 3 . - Calculate how many ml . Ramiro must consume every day . 4 . - How many ml . must Ramiro drink each dose ? 5 . - Complete the table below : 6 . - Find out a formula relating weight and dose ( mg .). 7 . - Find out a formula showing the relationship between weight and dose ( ml .). 8 . - Apply the previous formulae and calculate the dose in mg . and ml . for a child whose weight is 22.25kg . 9 . - Represent each function using a coordinates system axes .
Related Topics and Concepts : Proportionality and units Real Life Context : Health