-6 cherry tomatoes (30)
-1/2 cup sliced red pepper (12)
-1 thinly sliced red onion (48)
-2 tbsp low-fat Italian dressing (48)
To loose weight:
-1 Cup Skim Milk
-1 Orange, medium
-1 Cup Cheerios Cereal
Morning Snack
-1 Cup Cantaloupe Melon
-Vietnamese-Style Beef & Noodle Broth
-1 Whole-Wheat Pita Bread, small
-1 Cup Skim Milk
-1 Fudgsicle, no sugar added
Afternoon Snack
- 2 Tablespoons Prepared Hummus
- 3 Ounces Celery Sticks
- 1/2 Cup Cooked Brown Rice
-1/2 Banana, small
5. As a team you should reflect on the consequences of eating too little
or too much calories on overall health and offer a final conclusion to
what you learned during the development of this activity.
There are many consequences of eating too little or too much
calories on overall health. The body needs calories that are
nutrients to stay healthy and keep the muscles working and
the bones strong. The consequences of eating to little calories
are stomach ache, body processes failures, fatigue, bon
breakdowns, anemia, cachexia and many other things. The
consequences on eating too much calories may be obesity,
over nutrition, high stress levels, insomnia, depression and
many other things. Overall health consists of consuming the
amount of calories depending on your weight.
In conclusion, in this activity not only did we learn how many calories we need
daily but we also learned about nutrition habits and consequences of the
consumption of different types of foods. We learned how to get the BMR
(basal metabolic rate), metabolism, and caloric needs.