Maternity Client Guide | Page 3

YO U R O U T FI T N E U T R A L S One of the most common questions I receive is: “Is there a certain color I should wear?” For photo sessions, muted colors are your best friend! In other words, colors that have a grey or beige undertone! I tend to lean towards muted colors for all of my sessions, because they don’t take the focus away from my beautiful clients!! Now, before you start thinking “I don’t like anything oatmeal color!” please do not worry!! The last thing I want is for you to look washed out for your session…and honestly, there are a select few people who can actually wear ‘oatmeal’ and look fabulous!! ;) There several examples of muted colors in all different shades below, and I encourage my clients to pick the one(s) that best accentuate & enhance their features! For example, if you have fair skin, fair hair, and blue eyes, beige probably isn’t the best choice, but light or dark blue might work well!! I do suggest that my clients avoid bright, loud colors, because they can be distracting in your final images! In otherwords, avoid anything neon!