Matcha-Me! Lite Version UK | Page 2


Tea Growing Region of Zhejiang Province, China

Thank you so much for joining us in this interactive edition of Matcha-Me! Magazine : )

We really couldn't be happier to have you here and hope you join in on some of the interactive features available. If you have had this magazine delivered as a .pdf and want to experience the full shabang with music, videos and full content please do drop us an email at: [email protected] and will direct you to the magazine stand where you can view direct. Or you can certainly click here to view directly.

I came across Matcha Tea after a major accident on a building site. I had nearly lost my leg and was told in no uncertain terms to be careful of infection, the recovery would be long and painful and the scarring would be substantial. No one mentioned the depression anxiety and panic attacks that followed the loss of my business and nearly the loss of my home. But you know what? It's all good.

Because it got me thinking and more importantly it got me moving. I started to research Anti-oxidants and how I could benefit with accelerated healing of my injury and to help prevent the ever present threat of infection. I stumbled across Matcha tea.

At that point I had no idea of the vast benefits of this little green leaf. I loved it. The doctors and nurses were pretty dumfounded and I embarked on finding the best Organic Matcha I could. Matcha-me! was born and my new journey was underway to share it around and hopefully bring a little of what I had experienced to others. And to get out of cut throat construction and have a little creative fun.

I hope you like this magazine and stay with us while it grows. We hope you take part in the competitions and of course have a little cuppa Matcha while you read. X Zen Frog