Masters of Health Magazine September 2021 | Page 74

Unfortunately, this is the same conviction of so many people, patients, and even doctors.  However, for this man, the dietary changes and health improvements with his daughter awakened him. He realized that medicine was totally inadequate when it came to diagnoses and treatment of his baby daughter.


This book is a good example for most patients that are unsuccessfully treated with drugs. Any one of us can be like Etwan Ishida. You don't need to be educated in a University of Science or Medicine to change your thinking.  Just use simple common sense and work with nature.


Everyone on this planet is an individual with their own life and destiny.  But, we have to understand that we have been born only when the earth was ready to offer to humans all the conditions necessary to live. Nature offers us trees, ocean, air, and oxygen, water, good soil to grow our food; but also, wild fruits, mushrooms, herbs, etc., from nature itself.  Without this diversity, life would not be possible. There is a symbiosis between all the elements of our body and the environment where we live.


If we eat polluted food, drink polluted water, breathe polluted air, breathe less oxygen, eat food with poor nutritional value, how can we expect to be healthy and free of disease?


It is unacceptable that humans are still destroying and ravaging our planet and ecosystem and do not seem to realize what they are doing.  Remove this one key element and we can no longer survive.


It often looks like we no longer have a society that even cares about itself, but only where money and profit come from. The best we can do is unite and teach people how to be healthier, about food, and especially a healthy food diet for patients. We have to teach our patients to be responsible, self-reliant for their disease, and do more to cure themselves.


Do not be surprised when I say that I obtain the best results with my patients when they follow my advice, teachings, and start to modify their attitude to be more positive. They also need to search inside to discover the power to fight for their health, to be more confident, and change their lifestyle, and nutrition.


While this may not always work, I have found many cases worldwide of cancer patients, even those with advanced cancer that have achieved total remission.  This also occurred after being discharged from hospital, just by changing their diet, doing some relaxation, meditation, breathing exercises, and fasting.


Bathing in natural water springs offers great therapeutic properties and is very popular in Japan. I believe that in nature, such spring water baths, provide a number of essential elements which improve or cure some diseases. Of course, some water can be taken as a drink to be even more efficient

One good example is Japanese, Shin Teramaya, who was diagnosed with kidney cancer. After surgery and chemotherapy, the disease spread to his lungs, and he was discharged from the hospital with a death sentence. Eight years later, he is still alive at 82 years of age. This serves as a good example, since the man decided to do something for himself, using also the power of the mind.


Cancer is also a battle within You, and with yourself.  Also needed is the ability to harness the power to regenerate your body and immune system to modulate and help fight your tumor through the power of your mind and spirit. Then, add this together with a change in food, using organic vegetables that also contain more electrical energy, along with several natural compounds, anticancer agents, rest, exercises, listening to good music, drinking fresh clean structured water, and getting plenty of sunshine vitamin D. 

We are human beings with a body, a mind, and spirit living in an environment created for us to thrive. We are supposed to have a brain, intuition, and the capacity to think, so that we know what is best for our body, which we honor and respect.


Look at how people of all ages, especially the young ones, run to be vaccinated out of fear, even when thousands have died. This is tragic because it shows that humans no longer have the capacity to respect their bodies or to decide what is best for themselves. They think the vaccine is going to protect them from the virus, with no need to do anything else.