Masters of Health Magazine September 2021 | Page 39

by Lady Carla Davis, MPH

Specializing in Nutrition


If  you are buying, building, or remodeling a home; if you are buying appliances or electronics; or if you have children in school, the most common buzz word and/or gimmick is ‘smart’ this or ‘smart’ that.  Everything from architecture, TVs, iPads, electrical energy meters, door bells and door locks, to wireless (wifi) technology are now called ‘smart’ — what ever and designed as such! 


Smart can mean anything from fashionable, stylish, chick, trendy, possessing intelligence, to acting sassy, or rude.  Many technology items classified as ‘smart’ are connected to AI (artificial intelligence); and this seems to be the goal for development and usage by large, powerful industries.  This is also a cunning way to intrude into our privacy and control humanity and the masses.  The more one delves into this field, the more mind-blowing it becomes.  In a major speech, about a year ago, Russia’s Putin said, “Those who control AI will control the world.”


But, is this technology really that smart or safe?  Buyers and parents BEWARE!  If a technology is unhealthy, it is not really very smart!


While the convenience and tasks these ‘smart’ items can achieve or provide are impressive, the science reveals that when the human body is exposed to them, they can cause a great deal of harm and even death.  Thus, smart is not always a healthy choice! 


More often than not, the effects on our health and a developing child have not been taken into consideration by the manufacturers.  And, when harmful effects are exposed, they are often denied or covered up.  Just like what happened with the  tobacco, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries for decades, and now, the communication industry.