Masters of Health Magazine September 2021 | Page 113

However, doctors will tell you ‘We don't know what causes these illnesses' and 'it would have developed anyway.’ Here is further evidence of the possible causal link between vaccines and autism. Here is the evidence that the CDC cannot support its claim that vaccines do not cause autism.

Your doctor will also inform you that this is 'just a coincidence' after vaccination because the Australian government and vaccine manufacturers have never funded a causality study that would disprove this association. That is, a study that uses an inert placebo in the unvaccinated trial group to prove the safety of each vaccine over an appropriate long-term period: a period that includes the delay in the appearance of these diseases (5-10 years), or even the safety of combining 16 vaccines in the human body. That is, governments are assuming they are safe without any hard evidence to prove it. This is called ‘undone science’ and it is described in my PhD thesis.

Governments don’t have to prove the safety of these drugs because the pharmaceutical companies received indemnity for any vaccine product in the US Congress in 1986. They needed to get indemnity due to the millions of dollars they were paying out every year in the 1980’s due to deaths and injuries caused by vaccines. This was achieved by a great deal of fear that was deliberately created to influence Members of Congress and the public at that time. It also led to Vaccine Injury Compensation Programs being set up in many countries that still pays out millions of dollars per year for vaccine injury, but this is never reported by the mainstream media.  Is this evidence that vaccines are ‘lifesaving drugs’ as the medical industry refers to them?

Since 1986 governments have misused the precautionary principle in the design of vaccination policies. The precautionary principle was designed to protect the public's health in government health policies. However, since 1986 the onus of proof of harmlessness in this principle has been reversed and placed on the public instead of the proponent of the technology – the pharmaceutical companies and the government. In this format it is now protecting industry-interests in government policies, their profits, and not the public's interest of health.

This is the case even though the public has been informed that vaccination policies are designed to 'protect community health'. The community is trusting the government to be carrying out its duty of care to its citizens in protecting human health in the design of public health policies. Yet by reversing the precautionary principle, and by allowing serious conflicts of interest on vaccine advisory boards, the government is protecting the medica-industry paradigm in these policies. This is described more fully in my article ‘Misapplication of the Precautionary Principle has Misplaced the Burden of Proof of Vaccine Safety.’


Despite the medical industry's knowledge that hundreds of chronic illnesses are linked to our genes (epigenetics), doctors, governments, and the media have been downplaying the risks of vaccines and exaggerating the benefits for decades.

This is how the indoctrination of the population has occurred, which strives for every individual to believe vaccines are only beneficial. A situation that is leading people to take the COVID ‘vaccine’ (that is not proven to be a vaccine) even though the new genetic technology in this injection has never been tested in human clinical trials. Plus, in the small animal studies that were done, all the animals died upon re-exposure to wild coronaviruses.

This is called Pathogenic Priming or a hyper-immune response.

For thirty years the public has been educated with false and misleading health information from the industry-medical paradigm and also from the media. The result is agnotology – a society that has been educated to be ignorant about the risks of vaccines.