Masters of Health Magazine September 2021 | Page 110

partnership with the US CDC since 2018?

In 2015 I completed a PhD investigating the reasons for the decline in deaths and hospitalizations (risk) to infectious diseases by 1950 in Australia – and in all developed countries. This included an investigation into the role that vaccines played in this decline.

I set up this newsletter in 2012, when I recognized that this public interest science was being suppressed from public debate in all the official channels. This is the result of powerful industry-lobby groups in Australia (and globally) that are influencing all media outlets and research institutions.

Due to this global newsletter, my PhD has now been downloaded thousands of times and in March 2020 my book, Vaccination: Australias Loss of Health Freedom”, became available just as everyone globally was being locked down.

The Reversal of the Traditional Measures for Controlling Infectious Diseases

In 2020-21, all the traditional measures for controlling infectious diseases were reversed for the first time in history by the World Health Organization (WHO). This organization, that is advised by the corporate-public partnerships in the GAVI alliance, including the Federation of Pharmaceutical Companies, falsely claimed that healthy (asymptomatic) people are a ‘risk’ to the community if the virus is identified in their body.

This was stated by the WHO scientists in March 2020, even though the WHO had no data to base this claim on in March 2020. Remember, this novel Coronavirus 2019 (SARS-Cov-2) only appeared in January 2020 and there was no evidence provided to support the statement that healthy people without symptoms were a risk to the community. It was being assumed that a positive PCR result, a test that cannot diagnose disease, indicated an asymptomatic 'case' of disease. 

This assumption has led to journalists and health departments reporting healthy people as a ‘case’ of disease in 2020-21, wildly inflating the risk from this alleged new flu virus in the media. This false assumption has led to healthy people being locked up in quarantine for two weeks as well as to the unnecessary masking of healthy people, social distancing, and isolating of the elderly.

The mainstream media is not required to list the symptoms of the ‘cases’ of disease they are reporting, and this has enabled the government to hide this fact. This allows the media to frighten the public with cases of disease that are healthy people (no symptoms), and deaths that are elderly people with comorbidity that die with the flu every year. The difference is that this year, the media is reporting these deaths - normally you do not hear about them.

The fact that the WHO did not have any evidence in March 2020 to support the claim that ‘asymptomatic’ people are a risk to society,  is provided by  Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, ( watch the video below.) on 8 June 2020 (at 34.07 – 34.52 mins), only three months after the 'pandemic' was declared.

This WHO spokesperson appears to understand the traditional measures of controlling infectious diseases because she states that you isolate the people with symptoms and trace their contacts to prevent transmission.