Masters of Health Magazine September 2021 | Page 109

Definition Deception:

RE COVID19 Disease

by Dr. Judy Wilyman, PhD

Resource Box:

8-Part Series of (10 min) Interviews with

Dr. Judy Wilyman 

These interviews describe the claims about safety and efficacy that underpin government vaccination policies and the strategies that are being used to censor the scientific debate. The Glossa Channel (June 2021).

Part 1: The link between significant chronic illness in children and vaccines

Part 2: The removal of liability from vaccine manufacturers in 1986 led to the reversal of the onus of proof of harmlessness for vaccines

Part 3: Differences in COVID19 disease in India, China, and Australia

Part 4: Creating the appearance of a ‘global pandemic’

Part 5: Global medical tyranny in 2020-21

Part 6: The attack on humanity with over-vaccination (MacFarlane Burnet 1952)

Part 7: Censorship and indoctrination instead of scientific debate

Part 8: A description of my research, my book and action to take back control of our health.

 The Definition of a ‘Caseof COVID19 Disease


The proof that no virus is required to diagnose a ‘case’ of COVID disease is provided in the recently updated standardized surveillance case-definition of COVID19 disease (2021).

This definition deception is discussed later in this article which provides you with the knowledge of why an asymptomatic person for COVID19 (a flu-like illness), in countries with good public health infrastructure, is not a risk to the community. In fact, they are beneficial to creating the herd immunity needed to live in harmony with these viruses: as we have done for the last seventy years with all flu-like illnesses.

The scientific arguments presented in this article are also provided by physician Dr. Dan Stock, in this 6-minute video presentation at a meeting in Indiana on 9 August 2021. These are the scientific arguments being ignored by the World Health Organization (WHO) and it explains why these lockdown directives are not designed to control a virus and will not be effective.   

This COVID medical directives are all harmful to human health and are currently being addressed in a lawsuit that will soon be submitted in the International Criminal Court.

Background to my Research:

My global newsletter Vaccination Decisions has enabled me to contribute my university research to the vaccination debate for the last eight years. However, this came to an end on 10th October 2020, when Mailchimp censored my newsletter by disabling my account. Did you know that Mailchimp has been in partnership with the US CDC since 2018?

In 2015 I completed a PhD investigating the reasons for the decline in deaths and hospitalizations (risk) to infectious diseases by 1950 in Australia – and in all developed countries. This included an investigation into the role that vaccines played in this decline.