Masters of Health Magazine October 2022 | Page 109

Sound Health KeyNotes


October 2022

By Sharry Edwards, M.Ed.

Almost Everything is Something Else

What if Math, conventionally used to explain the basis of everything, is more than synthetic equations?  What if math is organic? If so, could we be considered math-based life forms? If we break the codes of our existence, could that information be used to provide optimal form and function for our planet and all its inhabitants?

Studies conducted by the non-profit Institute of BioAcoustic Biology & Sound Health, located in Albany, Ohio, USA, have consistently demonstrated that math can be much more than a measurement tool. The case studies they have amassed, using Math as frequency-based BioMarkers, indicate that the solution to therapeutic predictability and resolution has the potential to be a matter of frequency based mathematical equations. Such has been trialed in cases of severe allergic reactions, drug overdose, pain resolution, accelerated bone restructuring, heart arrhythmia, muscle and nerve atrophy, stroke recovery, sports trauma predictions…

Sun Sign: Scorpio – Color: green blue

Breaking the Sound Barriers of Disease Series

The Math of Mechanical Sentients