Masters of Health Magazine October 2021 | Page 88

Top medical doctor, Britain’s Dr Vernon Coleman,  is the UK’s best-selling medical author for several decades and has repeatedly warned how dangerous mask wearing really is – it can even be deadly to some.

He tells us:

“Masks cause hypoxia and hypercapnia – and affect the wearer’s attention and cognitive processes. They make an accident more likely. Anyone driving while wearing a mask should be arrested. Insurance companies should refuse to pay out on claims if a driver was wearing a mask.” [1]

Hypercapnia frequently occurs due to hypoventilation secondary to limited airway pressure and/or tidal volume.

So dangerous is hypoventilation it literally is a matter of life and death to many. Anyone familiar with sleep apnea knows this related condition is well-researched and may be informative in guiding our understanding about impeded breathing, such as from prolonged COVID19 mask wearing.

Dr Coleman, who has built a sterling reputation since the 1980’s as a prominent whistleblower on medical malfeasance, warns:

“Over a dozen scientific papers show clearly that masks are ineffective in preventing the movement of infective organisms. They also reduce oxygen levels and expose wearers to increased levels of carbon dioxide.” [2]

Hypercapnia is the term doctors use to refers to abnormally high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood.

As CO2 accumulates in the blood, you’ll see symptoms like difficulty thinking clearly, headaches, and sleepiness. More severe or longer lasting cases of hypercapnia may cause symptoms like dizziness, excessively fast breathing and heart rates, increase in blood pressure, twitching of the muscles, and skin flushing.


Now keep in mind that when CO2 in the blood is up, as in hypercapnia, then oxygen (O2) must be down. A decrease or less than the normal amount of oxygen in the blood is known as hypoxemia. And if there isn’t enough oxygen in the blood, then there won’t be enough oxygen getting to the organs of the body, which is a condition termed hypoxia.

Hypoxia is, of course, a very serious condition for the body since every organ in the body needs oxygen in order to function. It doesn’t take very long for symptoms to occur as the organs of the body begin to suffer from the lack of necessary oxygen.

See: doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2008.01.025. Epub 2008 Mar 10.

Chronic hypoxia-hypercapnia influences cognitive function: a possible new model of cognitive dysfunction in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

“…cognitive impairment is strongly related to combination of chronic hypoxia and hypercapnia, and chronic hypoxia-hypercapnia-induced animal models may mimic the cognitive dysfunction of COPD.“

PubMed (unethically) recently retracted a study titled Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis.

The above study warned of the lack of science to support mask safety in regard to brain function:

“Many countries across the globe utilized medical and non-medical facemasks as non-pharmaceutical intervention for reducing the transmission and infectivity of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). Although, scientific evidence supporting facemasks’ efficacy is lacking, adverse physiological, psychological and health effects are established. Is has been hypothesized that facemasks have compromised safety and efficacy profile and should be avoided from use. The current article comprehensively summarizes scientific evidences with respect to wearing facemasks in the COVID-19 era, providing prosper information for public health and decisions making.”