Masters of Health Magazine October 2021 | Page 64

How do we stand up as a group to these frustrations? We create a community—a large, global community—united in purpose and action to create the change we all want to see in the world. 


Movements belong to everyone. While we have all had ENOUGH, that ENOUGH will be different for every person. What are you tired of? What have you lost in the last year? What fears have become a part of your life that you never had before? We can be talking about something as simple as freedom to move about or something as basic as freedom to make decisions regarding your own body. Regardless of the source of your ENOUGH, you are not alone. There is a planet full of people who share your discontent and vision for a better future. You are not alone.


The ENOUGH MOVEMENT website offers specific steps for people and organizations to take to find each other, unite, and bring about the social change we all want.

For individuals, we can all start today, right now by making conversations cool again. Talk to people. Start the conversation. Agree to disagree. Love, regardless.

Reject any narrative that creates division. Commit to being non-judgmental and be a safe haven for friends, family, and strangers to express their concerns. 


Organizations and corporations can begin by committing to people, planet, and profit—in that order. Weave this commitment through everything you do and add it to your webpages and share it on social media.


Ready to get started?

Please visit the ENOUGH MOVEMENT website for more motivation, inspiration, and concrete actions you can take to become an active member of the ENOUGH community. Take a look at the TOOLKIT. Get your wristband or T-shirt. Make it easy for other community members to find you. We all have work to do!


Thank you to Millions Against Medical Mandates for hearing us all and creating a common voice for the planet.

The 100 Year Lifestyle is thrilled to join our voices with the ENOUGH MOVEMENT. 

Our connections to our friends, neighbors, and even competitors run deep. We cannot allow these ties to become overwhelmed by frustrations with government overreach, information control, and divisive narrative that is destroying our happiness and livelihoods.



Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can change the world.

Howard Zinn