Masters of Health Magazine October 2021 | Page 13

must safeguard biological evolution. And that starts with protecting the smallest among us; the microbiome!


You Can Help Today


This transformation of humanity can start with you. As you learn about the microbiome, genetic engineering, and the risks of GM microbes, try on the role of Nature’s Protector.


It’s a mindset, not a full time job. And yes there are things you can do.


Share educational materials with officials and media outlets through the Advocacy Platform. And when you post about this topic on your own social media, consider modeling the type of leadership you think this issue needs right now.


To learn more and to take action, visit


While there, please contribute to  this nonprofit global effort. Your donation will be leveraged for an unprecedented return-on-investment.


There’s a lot to be done, but we can accomplish it together. It’s an honor to be Nature’s Protector. In fact, the extent of our influence can be more far-reaching and positive than was ever possible for our ancestors.

take action


Join me in adding this line to your resume: 

“Helped protect all living beings and all future generations, 2021 to present.”