Masters of Health Magazine October 2021 | Page 113

Oct 17th-23rd


Cardiac muscle frequencies come into play this week along with Epstein Barr Virus (fatigue related)


You may need some extra B vitamins this week.

Lower back pain may intensify.

Joints may be giving you trouble this week - again turmeric may be helpful.

Fertility hormones rise this week -gonadotrophin releasing hormone and progesterone.

Tooth pathogen continue to plague us until the end of the month

Choline to support fat metabolism comes into play for the rest of the month.

Oct 24th-Nov 3th

Insulin resistance comes into play here – watch your carb and sugar intake.

Blood pressure usually accompanies diabetes – the gene for blood thinners comes into play early this month antidiuretic hormone.

Most adults have low magnesium-   magnesium cell salts are stressed this week, - L-5, NAM, T-5, pectoralis, molybdenum, Co Ena A, D3, heart rhythm, kreb cycle, ecstasy, cholesterol, myostatin

31-6 – 24.17- 24.46 – epidermal growth factor – caffeine, Synthroid, thyroxine, magnesium, fobrpgem, nose, hyaluronic acid, ige, chondroitin