Masters of Health Magazine October 2021 | Page 101

This is a medical issue, and most people are not medically trained. They don’t have the proper tools to evaluate the information being programmed to them. Many people have legitimate questions, but many are afraid to voice them because of the virtue signaling of the “True Believers.” They don’t want to be viewed as antagonistic to the official program, so they just remain quiet.


Others, like myself, who are medically trained and voice concerns or opposition, are regularly vilified and treated as second class citizens. Even if there is an eminently qualified doctor or researcher who presents peer reviewed studies to show possible options for treatment, they are censored by the big tech oligarchs that have been caught taking their orders from the elites in power.  Doctors with proven success in treatment of the disease causing the “pandemic” are de-platformed for sharing their knowledge and techniques.


There is stiff aversion to any possible alternative therapy or medication that has shown itself to be promising or even effective in treatment. The door is shut to anything other than what the officials say is the correct course of action that is now suspected to be the cause of many deaths. No exceptions are allowed — for everyone must do exactly the same thing. There are procedures being mandated that have never been mandated before; freedoms are being removed that have never been attacked before; all in the name of “keeping everyone safe.”


So, what is to be done? As I started researching for this article, the thought came to me that if part of the population could be influenced to be in negative Groupthink, would it be possible for those of us who know better to begin to shut out the thoughts, news, programs, ideas, and negativity of these who have been controlling the narrative from day one, and begin to put our own organized narrative together? I know that there are some great doctors, scientists, lawyers, social influencers, and others who are already beginning this process.


Maybe, if we can help get this positive information out more vigorously, there can be a counterbalance to all of the negativity.

•  If we can post more videos about the positive things developing;

•  Share on all platforms the new developments and studies that are proving that alternatives do exist and are really working;

•  Highlight court cases that are turning over some of the mandates;

•  Maybe we can even act politically and begin to hold elected officials more accountable to guard our freedoms and civil rights that are being trampled upon.


We don’t have to be the victims of this kind of Groupthink!

Don’t Let the bullies have the high ground with their Groupthink power to dictate to us what we will and won’t do.

We do have a voice and we still have the internet and other platforms to express our displeasure at the way we are being treated and our rights that are being trampled upon.

We can turn this thing around if we are willing to bring our collective will together and tell them – You Shall Not Pass!