Masters of Health Magazine October 2018 | Page 82

Reality, but is rarely seen as such. This includes all experiences: the sweetest, the happiest as well as the most painful and embarrassing. It is indeed a difficult practice, since it is so much easier to be grateful and feel the presence of Grace when things go well. But remember that every experience is calculated to balance, enrich or remedy. Every experience can be used as a compass for directing us to harmony. Life is magnificent, and even more magnificent is God, who breathes His own life into it. We must nurture gratitude at all times as it enlarges our heart and expands our perception of all life’s possibility. There is a close relationship between gratitude and the presence of Grace.

Gratitude may take many forms such as kindness, benevolence, smiling, giving, contentment, rejoicing in the good qualities and actions of others, hoping that they will find the strength, health, love or kindness they need.

Make your gratitude list daily!

Make your gratitude list daily!