Masters of Health Magazine November 2021 | Page 111

Nov 21-27


The use of iron is obvious for this week. Spine issues associated with Lumbar 5 (lower limb circulation), (Prostate, sciatic nerve) and Thoracic 4 (gall bladder, liver) may become active this week.

Shoulder and hip joints continue to need detoxification to relieve glymph system fluid (waste clearance) Nitric OxIde – found in beets may be of assistance.

The pancreas starts a fortnight of stress this week.

Staphylococcus aureus found as a causse of upper respiratory and skin issues comes into play on Wednesday

Nutrient in stress – l-Carnitine which supports energy metabolism of the mirochondria. Carnitine concentrates in cardiac and skeletal muscles.

The Sartorius Muscle begins to activate near the weekend. The Sartorius is a strap like muscle from the upper outer thigh to the inside of the knee. This muscle supports the hips and knees.

Nov 28 – Dec  4

The Liver starts to stress via the gallbladder and bile salts – particularly cholic acid which is synthesized from cholesterol – Co Enzyme A is involved – Statin related.

Myopathy genes continue to activate  HMB (Hydroxy β-methyl butyric acid) may be useful.  It is used to prevent muscle wasting.  It is available as a dietary supplement.

Thigh muscles and upper jaw will need extra care and stretching. You may want to consider a massage and facial.

Glutamate and glycine receptors and stressed this week.  Aspartame MSG toxicity may be more noticeable.