Masters of Health Magazine November 2021 | Page 104

This Federal government agency is called the Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Authority (AHPRA) and it is both a government agency and an Australian incorporated business (ABN 78 685 433 429).

In other words, this board controls the knowledge doctors can promote on vaccines and it influences the design and promotion of government vaccination policies. This board has the power to de-register doctors and health professionals who make a different risk assessment of vaccines to that provided by this government regulatory board.

Medication for healthy people affects their quality of life and it is doctors who are trained to assess the medical literature for risks and benefits. The AHPRA board has a serious conflict of interest in the regulation of doctors’ knowledge on vaccines, and doctors cannot speak the truth to power if they can lose their livelihoods for doing so.

The risks of vaccines associated with our genetics are now being described as “anti-vaccination material" and doctors are threatened with de-registration by AHPRA for providing this medical literature to their patients. This includes contraindications to vaccines that have been practiced for 40+ years but have now been arbitrarily removed.

Hence, doctors are now violating the first principle of medicine because they cannot promote their patients best interest first. That is, drugs/vaccines must be given to individuals with advice regarding their own individual circumstances and genetics. This is a key factor in health outcomes with respect to drugs; and when this is violated doctors are no longer promoting health in the community. They are promoting sickness and death, without regard to the various illnesses linked to our family history and genetics.

Adding insult to injury, the Australian government has now indemnified doctors to give these experimental injections to their patients - injections that are documented to cause serious known and unknown harm in patients. Taxpayers (we) will be paying for our doctors to inflict this harm (and death) on patients without fully informed consent due to government mandates that remove our jobs and right to travel if we refuse.

Over the last few decades doctors have been “educated” in pharma-funded medical schools with industry-funded science. They are taught that anyone who discusses the ingredients of vaccines (drugs) or the serious risks of vaccines, is an “antivaxxer” and a “conspiracy theorist”. This same opinion is provided to the public in the corporate-sponsored mainstream media to denigrate any scientific discussion of the risks of these drugs that are given to healthy people.

Mainstream media has always been a tool to manipulate public behaviour. In 1986, the US Congress removed liability from pharmaceutical companies for any harm caused by any drug labelled a “vaccine” because they were paying millions of dollars in compensation for deaths and injuries. This enabled big pharma to ignore the risks and harm from these drugs, exaggerate the benefits (“life-saving products”) – without providing evidence for their claims, and make immense profits by avoiding compensation payments.


In 2021, this dismissive ridicule by authorities reached a new low when the Western Australian Premier, Mark McGowan, disrespectfully told ~5,000 WA parents and grandparents at a rally opposing mandatory jabs for jobs, to “Grow a brain” and he stated that “this is about medicine and saving lives.” This statement by this Premier is simply untrue because it can only be stated by ignoring the genetics of the population and the vaccine harm occurring.


High school science students can tell the Premier that a mandatory drug/vaccine, in a genetically diverse population, will cause death and sickness in a significant proportion of the population. Mark McGowan should be removed from his role as Premier for his contempt for the people he serves and for putting the public's lives are risk with false medical information.


Politicians, media, and doctors are using labels to convey a ‘belief’ about vaccines and to stigmatise critical thinking; and this is done without providing any supportive evidence for the implied meanings the words are given. This strategy has been used to support the expansion of national vaccination programs from 1986 – 2021.