Masters of Health Magazine November 2021 | Page 103

From Australia:

Population Experiments

by Dr. Judy Wilyman, PhD

It is the ‘education’ and regulation of doctors that are preventing them from practising medicine with integrity. The information provided by the Australia Government Therapeutic Goods Administrator (TGA), that is summarised in our legal letter to decline this injection, states that COVID19 vaccines are:

1.Experimental and include new untested genetic technology. Hence, these drugs only have provisional approval and are not fully approved for use in humans.


2.The vaccines are not safe. Millions of injuries have been recorded by global government regulators including – anaphylaxis, thrombosis and coagulation disorders (blood clots), infertility, heart problems (myocarditis and pericarditis), neurological damage (cognitive decline), strokes, paralysis, convulsions, seizures, and well over 100,000 deaths.


3.There are on average more deaths per day to the COVID vaccines than to COVID-19 disease itself.


4.The vaccines are ineffective – they do not prevent you getting or dying from COVID-19 disease, and they do not prevent transmission of the virus in the community. Hence, they are a drug and not a ‘vaccine’ under the WHO’s definition of a vaccine.


5.They have only been tested to see if they reduce the symptoms and not to see if they prevent disease.


6.They are unnecessary because 99.9% of people under 70 develop immunity through mild or asymptomatic infection. Our immune system develops natural herd immunity in the community through this exposure and the most detrimental action that any government can take is to quarantine healthy asymptomatic people. This hinders the control of infectious diseases in the community. Hence, Sweden did not lockdown its population and the WHO did not provide any evidence that asymptomatic people were a risk to the community in March 2020, when they used this strategy for the first time in history.


The injection is not specific for COVID-19 disease. The synthetic spike protein that is produced by our cells upon exposure to any coronavirus is toxic to the human body. This includes the development of autoimmune diseases, blood clots, and infertility

Did you see this information reported in the mainstream media? No! Welcome to 2021, where the medical-industry uses framed and manipulated statistics, emotional labels, and anecdotal evidence in the mainstream media to inform you about any drug that they have labelled a ‘vaccine.’


The removal of both scientific evidence and balanced discussion of vaccines in the media has occurred over decades. Hence, we now have a situation where labels and biased information are being used to manipulate your thinking about these drugs. Drugs that are being mandated for HEALTHY people in genetically diverse populations.


This fraudulent promotion of a medical intervention was cemented in 2009 when a government board was set up in Australia, to regulate doctors on the “accepted” science for vaccine promotion.