Masters of Health Magazine November 2020 | Page 79

Brain Waves & Sounds of Silence

Tinnitus is not that common. Tinnitus usually comes from damage to the inner ear. I often hear these little "sounds of silence" in my ears and this could be confused with tinnitus. However, I can produce these subtle sounds at will.

When I focus on them they get louder. These sounds change depending on the time of day, how I feel, and what state of consciousness I am experiencing. When one has tinnitus he hears the same pitch, volume and quality of sound all the time.

I focus on my signature sounds in quiet moments, but I can also hear it while shopping or doing the dishes. When we focus on these sounds we produce a theta brainwave state. When we create theta brain waves our body is best able to heal itself.

What are some of the benefits of consistently creating theta brain waves? "Those who produce theta brain waves are highly creative, have 'life altering' insights, are less rigid and conforming, are very healthy, and have improved relationships with other people as well as greater tolerance, understanding and love of one's self and world".

While in the theta brain wave state our intentions and spoken words are most powerful. The theta state corresponds to feelings that resonate with this idea: "I am in perfect harmony".

Listening to "sounds of silence" triggers theta brain waves and here are some more impressive benefits from producing them. Theta (and delta) brain wave frequencies trigger the production of brain chemicals. Researchers have determined that these brain waves are linked to the production of chemicals, such as beta-endorphins, vasopressin, acetylcholine, catecholamines, DHEA, melatonin, serotonin and the reduction of cortisol.

By Jill Mattson

Below are some benefits from the production of these neuro chemicals:

* Various researchers note that acetylcholine is linked to memory and intelligence.

* Endorphins improve mental focus and a sensation of pleasure.

* Vasopressin increases memory and stimulates the release of endorphins.

* Catecholamines are vital for memory and learning.

* Melatonin helps us sleep. As people age, they fail to get enough sleep which the body needs sleep to regenerate. Theta brain waves increase melatonin levels on average 98%.

* Cortisol levels in the blood were down by an average 46%, (with an increase of certain brain waves) with positive changes in 68% of the people". Cortisol speeds up the body's aging mechanisms.

* DHEA increases one's resistance to disease. DHEA buffers against cortisol that we produce in response to stress.

* Serotonin plays an important role in the central nervous system, as a neurotransmitter in the modulation of anger, aggression, body temperature, mood, sleep, human sexuality, appetite, and metabolism.