Masters of Health Magazine November 2020 | Page 15

If you look at Hubei as a unique toxic stew, not only do you have the highest glyphosate and Roundup levels in the world being sprayed into their soils, highest antibiotic usage in pork industry in the world, you couple that now with the air pollution of Beijing. Beijing, just north of Hubei, gets pressed down by the northern hemisphere air pocket coming down from the Arctic-- pushes that air pollution down into Hubei.

Dr. Zach Bush (13:04):

It turns out that a huge critical part of the toxicity of air pollution is something called PM2.5. This is particulate matter 2.5 microns in size or smaller, that is suspended in a cubic meter of air. PM2.5 per cubic meter is a measurement of air pollution toxicity, and science studies have proven in the last decades that PM2.5 binds the influenza virus and binds the coronavirus so that it will clump. So now instead of an evenly distributed genetic update, you get an abnormal clumping of too much genetic information in a very small particle. And then you have a delivery system. It turns out that the coronavirus, like every other intelligent virus system out there, not only did the organism…remember humans produced every single virus that ever infected another human being—[it] was made by a human being. We produced the virus, and we produced it with an intelligent direction.

Dr. Zach Bush (14:02):

In the case of coronavirus, we cover that viral envelope with a receptor for the ACE2 receptors in the lung of mammals. It also goes on to bind the ACE2 receptor in vascular systems and beyond--smooth muscle, et cetera. We have a delivery system now that's going to bind to the lung material of somebody that not only has an abnormal clump of too much genetic information, it's also carrying air pollution with it, which happens to have a component of cyanide.

Cyanide is now being pulled into the bloodstream by an intelligent viral packet as a Trojan horse, delivering a toxin that causes hypoxia. If you look up the textbook of cyanide poisoning, it's called histotoxic hypoxia. The presentations of these patients poisoned by cyanide are identical to the ways in which people died from COVID-19. COVID-19 never caused hypoxic injury in a human being.