Masters of Health Magazine May 2023 | Page 34

This Mothers Day, as you reflect on the joys and benefits of being a mom, weve got something you should know that might not be on your list. Even though you might have days when you're sure that being a mom is making you age faster, science says there is a link between motherhood and longevity.


Plus, giving birth in your thirties might add to your longevity.  That’s right. A study found that women who had their last child after the age of 33 were twice as likely to live to age 95 as compared to women who had their last child before age 30. If you are thinking about having a child at 33 or older and worried that you may not be around to see that child grow up - the research doesn’t support that thinking.

In fact, another finding from the New England Centenarian Study  was that women who had children after the age of 40 were four times more likely to live to 100 than women who had their last child at a younger age.

Brain Power

While having children at an older age isnt without its risks and complications, there are also benefits. Among those benefits is that having kids later in life can make you mentally sharper as you age. A study of 830 middle-aged women determined that there was a link between having a baby at a later age and brain power. That brain power included sharper cognition, verbal memory, and better problem-solving skills.

Editors NOTE: Risks increase significantly of having a child after age 35 and more so after 40.  That is why it is vital to maintain good health with a nutritious, wholesome diet and avoid environmental toxins and pollutants. 

The Numbers

The number of women having kids at the age of 30 or over is on the rise mostly because of career opportunities and later marriages. According to the latest CDC data, birth rates in 2021, rose between 2% and 5% for women ages 25 - 44. For women ages 35-39, the rise was 5%. Meanwhile, birth rates fell 3% for women aged 20-24.

The Science 

How, exactly, does this work? The science says that telomeres are a biomarker of long-term health and longevity. Telomeres are the DNA-protein complexes that protect the ends of chromosomes. Shorter telomeres are linked to more diseases and poor survival. Lifestyle choices, such as diet and activity levels, can increase or decrease the length of telomeres. Right now, the science isnt clear if women who give birth later in life stop their telomeres from shortening, or if they have longer telomeres to begin with. More study is needed. Regardless, if your biological clock is still ticking…your body might be telling you its not too late!

Calling All Moms

Whether you are a new mom, considering pregnancy, or your children are now adults, its never too early or too late to make the lifestyle changes that will contribute to your healthy longevity. Find a 100 Year Lifestyle provider near you today to get the help you need to live a long, healthy life for yourself and your loved ones!

Happy Mothers Day!

Motherhood and Longevity

by Dr. Eric Plasker, DC