Masters of Health Magazine May 2020 | Page 45

Only 2-3% of the plant’s water is fresh water, and the majority of this exists as ice at the planet’s poles. Only .2% of the planet’s water is potable. Because pure, structured water is such a vital part of life, health, and survival, our PUBLIC water supply should NEVER be privatized or hijacked by powerful industries. Nor, should it be used to mandate treatment for the masses. Nor, should it be used or controlled by any one group (e.g. dental), government bureaucrats, or industry (e.g. mining, CSG, factory farms) for their agenda or gain at the expense of others; or for the disposal of toxic, industrial wastes and chemicals.

THINK....What kind of person would expose a baby, child, or pregnant mother to these deadly poisons, neurotoxins, and endocrine disruptors? And worse, mandate them in our drinking water! Perhaps, this is why so many children are tragically now being born with gender birth defects.

In addition, treating the masses with a one size fits all protocol of an industrial waste (i.g. fluoridation) is HIGHLY unethical and WRONG. It denies freedom of choice in a free society and also violates the Nuremberg Code agreement that was intended to protect everyone from medical treatment without consent.

Fluoride added into our drinking water, under the guise of preventing dental decay, does immense damage to both the structure of our drinking water and the human physiology over time. Plus, it is a very costly archaic policy that defies all logic. Those who support this archaic policy are either totally incompetent, really naive or stupid, or criminally involved.

Medications found in recycled water are another big problem to water purity, structure, and health. Our drinking water needs to be pure, structured, and free of all chemicals pollutants and/or treatments.