Masters of Health Magazine May 2020 | Page 108

Frequency medicine is making a comeback as part of our conventional medical protocols. Gardasil components like any other medication is based on the influence of our compounds it contains. An evaluation of Gardasil components revealed that frequency bio-markers contained within the four available vaccines may have been produced to influence fertility and reproduction.

KEY NOTE for May 24th – May 30th, 2020

Feeding the Brain; Food for Thought

Color = orange; represented by the note of D – the astrological sign of Gemini – the universal time of choice and change

Feeding the brain and body is the frequency pattern for the next few days as we approach the beginning of summer for the northern hemisphere.

Other nutrients that are active:

AcetylCholine, a B vitamin family that is incredibly supportive of brain and nerve function, is coming into play. A-choline also supports eye function. Along with folic acid (a vitamin), these two nutrients keep the eyes safe from excessive light and harsh sun light. A-choline is made from choline which is available from eggs, milk, organ meats and whole wheat products. Progesterone, a natural hormone, helps support A-choline.

A-choline also acts as a protective neurotransmitter, which is important as one of the Alzheimer’s genes, which comes into play on Monday.

Glutamine, an amino acid that is from a family of glutamic acid, glutathione and GAM, supports the body’s use of it resources so that energy and muscle communication remain active. Glutamine sources include eggs, beef, chicken, fish and dairy.

If your muscles are not responding quickly or seem stiff and uncooperative, you might want to consider glutamine supplementation or NAC, which is the precursor of glutathione.

Alpha ketoglutaric acid, a support of the energy cycle of the body, is from the same family and is available from your local health food store.

Herpes simplex 1 and one of its touted cures, lysine (an amino acid) comes into play early in the week.

Human papillomavirus alerts are still in effect and will be for several more days.

Muscles in stress: the chin, little finger and the muscle which attaches the chin to the chest, the platysma, are active now.

Note that the platysma is associated with a double chin and a lack of progesterone, which circles back and is a part of A-choline use.