Masters of Health Magazine March 2022 | Page 60

Do you get those awful, painful LEG or FOOT CRAMPS?  Usually, they show up at night when you are tired and/or after an overly salty meal.

This indicates that the body’s vital sodium/potassium (Na/K) ratio is out of balance.  It could also mean that your kidneys are struggling to maintain this vital (Na/K) ratio or levels.  This is the most important mineral ratio in the body as it also affects the function of your heart. In fact it is vital for the function of all living cells and nerve transmissions. 

Taking 100 mg of potassium can relieve the worst cramps within minutes.  Never be without it.  Magnesium (Mg), another vital mineral, also play a major role in this process.  Mg is involved in hundreds of bodily functions and needed on a daily basis.   

For the best and quickest absorption, be sure to use Elektra transdermal magnesium cream or lotion.

ITCHY NOSE is another symptom of a potassium deficiency.  Taking 100 mg of potassium can alleviate this annoying problem.

MIGRAINE HEADACHES, EMOTIONAL distress, and/or ACNE can be symptoms of copper toxicity and low zinc.  In other words, the Cu/Zn ratio is out of balance.  High copper, estrogen, and cancer are synonymous.  Balancing this ratio is the most effective way to remedy these problems. 


Carbonated sodas; sugared and acidic drinks; refined sugar and carbs; fluoridated water, medications, and food products such as tea, beer, juices, wine, and grapes that are sprayed with fluoride chemicals (cryolite) are very destructive to bones and joints. 

Black and green teas, which are high in fluoride, are also very damaging.  Fluoride blocks the uptake and production of iodine, which helps keep minerals in the bones and teeth where they belong.  


When you consume highly acidic caffeine drinks such as coffee, soda, and alcohol, your body will rob alkalizing minerals (e.g., Mg & K) from your bones, teeth, and various organs in order to maintain homeostasis in the blood.  These are the same minerals that protect your heart.  Many heart attacks are caused from this scenario, especially when exerting the body during exercise or sports after a cup of coffee or a beer.


In addition to addressing the causes like improving your environment and changing your diet, meditate and take up yoga, tai chi, or qigong!  Stretching, walking, swimming, and dancing are also excellent exercises for strengthening the body’s muscles and getting rid of aches and pains. 

Using quality essential oils can be very helpful in alleviating stress and for almost every ailment that exist.  Remember, for maximum benefit, these exercises and other modalities must accompany a nutritious, wholesome, organic diet for one’s blood type. 

Eating for your blood type really does make a difference.  Try it and you will be pleasantly surprised.  See my Shopping Guide for Blood Type O, A, B, & AB