Masters of Health Magazine March 2022 | Page 118

We (us in our entirety) are a set of frequencies constantly vibrating, producing critical life support processes (the heart beats with electrical energy; the brain produces brain waves that affect states of consciousness). We need the right frequencies - in the correct quantity - in harmony!

Sound Energy can interact with and affect (heal) many body systems… way beyond what you probably suspect. Frequency also affects our mental states and energies (simple examples: remember how music can impact our emotions and our intellect; how powerful can Mozart be … or a scary movie soundtrack).

To repeat: Frequency IS energy. There are nearly infinite frequencies - from very high energy to extremely low energy (X-rays are dangerous; some frequencies are so low energy they are difficult to detect). Frequency (cycles per second) can be extremely "fast" to very "slow". Spiritual guides have long understood a form of energy called "Subtle" energy that has never been directly detected. According to many: Subtle energy underpins some parts of our Spiritual lives.

Sound Energy consists of almost limitless frequencies that offer powerful means of interacting with our world and helping us. I contend that Sound Energy can even reach our Spiritual natures through Sound's ability to interact with Subtle energy.

Amazingly, Ancient Masters knew that certain sounds, music, and notes could affect consciousness and physic ability. They knew that shapes and dimensions (Sacred Geometry) could work with Sound and produce profound results.

The main point here: We are much more than physical animals and Sound Energy offers the means to reach us on physical, energetic and spiritual planes.

Listen to Jill Mattson’s Sound Healing Music

Experience the Energy of Sound