Masters of Health Magazine March 2022 | Page 110

cure for Papilloma but Gardasil is also associated with infertility.


Genetically speaking:


The genes for catalase (an enzyme that helps clean the blood) and the heart muscle are being brought into stress this week.  The heart and knees share some of the same frequencies so the knee muscles may give you trouble.


Reproductive hormones for both males and females will be continuing until the end of the month.


Two proteins in stress:  Myosin inhibitor (supports motor contractions and energy) – this is likely residue from last week and Transthyretin – supports fluid movement throughout the body.


Week two  


Frequency is the measurement tool used by humans to quantify our Universe.  Frequency is commonly used to measure sound, color, aroma, biochemicals, emotions, brain waves, nerve impulses, metal integrity, angles…  This column deals with the influence of frequencies on human psychology and physiology.


This week frequency patterns that sap energy and play havoc with upper body muscles will influence our behaviors.


Muscles in stress – Many golf muscles are still in stress:  Pronator quadratus (forearm); rectus abdominis, semispinalis thoraces and quadratus lumborum.  Supinator of the forearm and adductor magnus is involved in hip rotation. 

Hopefully this is the last golfing muscles that show up for a while.  For those who have our Golf Swing software that we gave away a few months ago, this might be a good time to approach your local pro shop to initiate a BioAcoustic evaluation for those having a bit of trouble with their game.   You could likely help them improve their swing significantly since we can take a look muscles that are too tight and likely are are likely to cause injury.  Golfers this added stress to your game will soon be over.

In addition to these muscles, the pterygoid, a chew muscle of the jaw.  is moving into stress.

For those of you who nearly collapsed became you were so fatigued (especially right brainers) that you could hardly move yesterday, it was the start of pyruvic acid being in stress.  Pyruvate is intimately involved in the Krebs cycle – the Vitamin C based-energy cycle of the body.

[From Dr. OZ:  Pyruvic acid is found naturally in the body, helps convert sugar and starches into energy, and has been shown to boost metabolism. However, to actually help burn thigh fat, you need more pyruvic acid than the body can provide. A calcium pyruvate supplement combines pyruvic acid and calcium to aid weight loss by working to minimize fat storage. Take 1000mg of calcium pyruvate before each meal for 1 week.]

Potential nutritional stressors for week one of March:

Starting with arginine that supports stamina and male reproduction, we move through niacin (B3) that helps support our genetic code plus cholesterol metabolism and plaque control.

Vitamin C, another part of the energy cycle is in stress now.  There are several remedies. You can find several good forms of Vit C at your local health food store:  calcium citrate from OJ, lots of fruits, Airborne supplements.  Vitamin C is an antioxidant vitamin needed for the formation of collagen to hold the cells together and for healthy teeth, gums and blood vessels; improves iron absorption and resistance to infection.