Masters of Health Magazine March 2020 | Page 96

Their findings showed that sound vibrations improved seed germination, quantity and quality of produce, the longevity of production, pollination, and plant size. The author has created heavenly music full of star tones, offering this technique to humans!

Dan Carlson, of Sonic Bloom, noticed that plants’ use of nutrients spikes at dawn. Plants do not benefit nearly as much when fed at other times. He wondered how the plant knew when sunrise was.

He experimented with bird chirps, local to the natural habitat of the plant because the birds’ choruses sing loudly at dawn. Carlson discovered that when he played local bird chirps at any time of the day, the plant acted as if it was dawn and utilized more nutrients. At least one way that the plants told time was with sound. Carlson sells plant food packaged with a recording of bird chirps and boasts of 100 percent increase in plant growth. Once again, a link appears between sound and the plants’ well-being.

Joel Sternheimer, a French physicist, calculated the vibrations of the amino acids in plants. After he figured the tones of each, and then he organized the amino acids in the same way that they were in the plant’s protein. When he played the “plant’s song” back to the plant, the plants' growth nearly doubled with resistance to drought and disease.

What do we learn from all this? Are plants far greater beings than we expected? Are they also exquisite musicians? Perhaps the biggest lesson in that sounds, below our hearing range, has a significant impact on the energies of living things: body, mind, and emotions. At the very least, in a romantic picture, we are bathed unconsciously in plant songs and lullabies of the stars.

Sound and music enhance the health of plants. Yet, we stubbornly believe that we are not influenced by sound in the same way. What would make us exempt? The science of bioacoustics, developed by Sharry Edwards, has shown that we can use targeted sounds to enable the body to heal itself.

We can use the energy of sound in music in targeted positive manners. The author has devoted her life to bringing forth healing vibratory patterns in musical CDs, including star sounds and vibrational patterns found in healing nature. In the future, humanity will use sound to be more in control of their body, mind, and emotions, harnessing sound for benefits.



2 They also used planetary gongs tuned to the “three cycles of the Earth: the four seasons, the Earth spinning on her axis, and the Earth going through its processional cycle.”

3 Leeds, Joshua. The Power of Sound: How to be Healthy and Productive using Music and Sound, Healing Arts Press: Vermont, 2001, 2010, Pgs. 207-209.


5 For more information see the book, Secret Sounds Ultimate Healing by Jill Mattson at