Masters of Health Magazine March 2020 | Page 104


When industries or farmers do not operate or farm in harmony with Nature and pollute our environment, soil, and food supply with toxic chemicals; and when scientists try to control Nature with GMOs, a series of genetic defects occur. Sometimes they don’t show up until the next generation or later. But, show up they do; and they are devastating. When will they learn from the horrific effects of paraquat/agent orange; DDT, glyphosate, and other pesticides; asbestos; DES; thalidomide; mercury; amalgam; neurotoxins; endocrine disruptors; x-rays and other forms of radiation; EMFs? The list is endless!

Toxic metals, industry pollutants, fluoridation, pharmaceuticals and other drugs, agriculture chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, plastics, EMFs, radiation, energy production, mining, and CSG all play havoc with the biological functions of agriculture, our environment, human biology, reproduction, genetics, children’s health, our lives, economies, and the natural world.

Surely, government leaders and regulators can connect the dots. Perhaps, they choose not to because of conflicts of interest (PAC money from industries) and greed. All the more reason to get industry money out of politics.

The people behind these corporations and industries that are depleting and disrupting soil nutrients, polluting our environment, and making us, our children, and future generations sick are the same people profiting from a system of sickness-care instead of real health-care. And, why such silence from the media? Because they are all profiting from this corrupt, unsustainable racket of sickness care. The time for them to be held accountable is long overdue!


Governments, medical boards, health agencies, regulators, and the dental bureaucrats have a lot to answer for. A good start would be to prosecute those responsible for all the harm they have knowingly caused and continue to cause because of greed and conflicts of interest. The current law suits against Monsanto/Bayer are an indication of the changes taking place. If elected/selected government decision makers pass laws and mandates that impact our health, our children, and future generations, they need to take courses in human biology and biochemistry and be held accountable.

SYMPTOMS of SULFUR DEFICIENCY: (Dr. Mark Sircus Newsletter, June 2012)

Allergies . Parasitical infestations

Blood Sugar problems . Poor growth of fingernails

Brittle nails and hair . Premature aging of skin (Note: fluoride destroys

Dermatitis and eczema . Collagen and interferes with sulfur processes)

Fatigue and sluggishness . Skin problems and rashes

Hair loss and slow hair growth . Skeletal and growth problems

Inability to digest food . Varicose veins and poor circulation

Joint Problems like arthritis . Various types of cancer

S is often deficient in vegan athletes, children, and patients with HIV.