Masters of Health Magazine June 2022 | Page 77

© 2022 Lady Carla Davis -

People exposed to environmental pollutants need more antioxidants and vitamins C, A, and E. Stress depletes a tremendous amount of nutrients.  If not replaced, the body will rapidly

age and break down.  Stimulants, such as caffeine, alcohol, and other drugs add to the effects of stress and make deficiencies worse. 

Continuously produced stress hormones, such as cortisol, growth hormones (GH), and norepinephrine/adrenaline for fight or flight, rapidly break down the body.  Eventually, a state of burnout results.  On the other hand, a nutritious diet and connecting with nature, earthing, gardening, meditation, yoga, qi gong, tai chi, dancing, singing, swimming, walking, and other exercises are beneficial for relieving stress and healing the body.


Maintaining a proper balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is critical to your health.  The calcium/phosphorus ratio on a hair mineral analysis is a good indicator of your autonomic state.  This is important as the autonomic state is closely related to adrenal and thyroid gland activity and the health of your heart.



Oxidation is a process by which elements in the body chemically combine with oxygen to release energy.  A person can be either a fast, slow, mixed, or balanced oxidizer. 

READ How to Balance Your body Chemistry by Lady Carla Davis, MPH, on the Nutrition page at the wrong foods or taking the wrong supplements can be just as damaging as polluting the body.  A hair analysis is the best way to determine your oxidation type, mineral levels, ratios, and toxic metal levels.  It also provides a supplement program for your specific nutrients to help balance your body chemistry.


Fast oxidizers release energy too quickly.  To slow down, they should eat a moderate amount of protein (e.g., organ meats, lamb, fatty fish, and wild game); more fats, oils, and goat or sheep dairy products; less fruit, grains, and starch.  Calcium, magnesium, and zinc are necessary for them. 

Too much vitamin C, E, and B complex can worsen the symptoms of the fast oxidizer because they raise sodium and potassium levels.  This, in turn, can cause a heart attack.  Most children are fast oxidizers.  All stimulants, such as coffee and sugar, are detrimental to fast oxidizers.



Maintaining a proper balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is critical

to your health.