Masters of Health Magazine June 2022 | Page 108

For a great many people, they won’t even admit the problem if they have no hope for something different than what is.  Along with hope there must be tools and solutions, choices and options for change.


The most profound and permanent way to cause a shift in perception is through affirmative life experience. In an attempt to help shift perceptions concerning health care, I became involved in the creation of a small, highly innovative educational research facility, the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology and Sound Health.  Through the years their studies have supported the assertion that ancient architectures and languages contain math codes that support frequency-based cellular regeneration. Through the journey of revisiting lost knowledge using computer technology, a novel paradigm has emerged which uses frequency as a basis for future “medicine” in support of natural homeostasis.


Our bodies are animated through a complex network of nerve frequencies that serve as a communication math matrix from our brain and spinal cord to every nook and cranny of our bodies.  The neural system generates frequencies that move along these pathways.  Any self-healing of the body must interact with these “bio-frequencies”.  Every aspect of this communication network reaches the brain as a measurable frequency; from sound, to thought, to aroma, to light, to touch….  Bottom line, the brain uses frequency to maintain and have dominion over our structure and function.


If we accept that the brain performs in such a fashion, we must advance the notion that the language of the brain is math.  So, what do all modern and ancient healing modalities have in common; frequencies defined by math; which can be measured, defined, quantified and manipulated to provide understanding and consensus.  If we want to combine all healing methods of evaluation and restoration, we could use the common denominator of frequency.

 Known as Human BioAcoustics and/or BioAcoustic Biology through Vocal Profiling, the work untaken by the Sound Health staff is being recognized by conventional medical providers and “remembered” by those who work with ancient healing arts. The Duke Encyclopedia of New Medicine has acknowledged that “Vocal Profiling is an innovative biotechnology” while AT&T has announced that bioacoustics is “the medicine of the future”.


It has been written that many great thinkers have attempted to decode the mysteries of the universe using math, geometry, music, frequency and architecture. The popularity of the movie The daVinci Code and Dan Brown’s, The Symbol has sparked our imagination concerning information that has been kept hidden from the populace. While Brown’s books hint that ancient architecture contains hidden knowledge, BioAcoustic outcomes provide support indicating that the ancient Templar Cross contains mathematical codes that may initiate cellular reconstruction.


A few sages have even gone so far as to suggest that the ancients somehow imbued our DNA with the knowledge of self-healing and that we only need to remember how our bodies have been innately programmed to stimulate rejuvenation.  Could we be self-sustaining, carbon based, propagating robots who have forgotten how to connect with our regenerating codes? Are sequestered memories just a part of planned obsolesce as if we are simply a replaceable appliance?  Sylvia Franke in her publication, The Tree of Life and The Holy Grail explores some of these possibilities. 

“Providing a mathematical matrix of the bio-frequency field of the body is very important to the future of understanding the body’s ability to regenerate.  Research from many fields is converging to provide many of the answers concerning Pythagorean harmonic theory and how it can be combined with modern string theory to explain how DNA “strings” can be dominated using frequency.”


James Gemjewski, using an electron microscope, discovered in 2004 that cells emit sound.  He published the statement that provides a connection between sound and healing, he states that “sounds emitted from cells, if we could decode them, might someday help doctors “hear” disease and diagnose their patients much more quickly and easily”.  Science can now approach the problem looking for elusive energy patterns that indicate disease/stress that BioAcoustic Biology answered more than a decade ago.

Buckminster Fuller said “In order to change something, don’t struggle to change the existing model. Create a new model and make the old one obsolete.”