Masters of Health Magazine June 2020 | Page 58

The mainstream medical mindset is to prescribe drugs to treat symptoms.

Now, let’s take a moment to come back to my overarching focus in the “Winning the War on PTSD” column.

As I said in last month’s column, the stress associated with the coronavirus (COVID-19) has left millions of people depleted of magnesium, and pushed the world population into what I call a “Global PTSD Pandemic.

It’s important to note here that approximately 15% to 35% of patients with chronic pain also have PTSD.

Because we know that stress depletes magnesium and triggers PTSD, and we know that low magnesium also triggers Chronic Pain Syndrome, it stands to reason that our entire PTSD- plagued world is currently or will likely soon be suffering Chronic Pain Syndrome.

As a final note, it’s important that you not fall prey to the erroneous mainstream method of testing magnesium levels. says:

“The symptoms of magnesium deficiency are usually subtle unless your levels become severely low. Deficiency may cause fatigue, muscle cramps, mental problems, irregular heartbeat and osteoporosis. If you believe you may have a magnesium deficiency, your suspicions can be confirmed with a simple blood test.”


Once again, most doctors do not know that research proves that serum (blood) tests are not an accurate measure of magnesium levels. (

This is because the body needs to maintain a very specific level of magnesium (in a very narrow range) in the bloodstream in order for the heart to continue beating!

To keep blood levels high enough, the body pulls magnesium from the organs and cells, causing undetected cellular low magnesium.

Hence why a hair analysis, which is a long-term blueprint of body chemistry, is a better way to test magnesium levels.

Where does serum magnesium testing leave the millions who suffer chronic pain? Your doctor sends you home saying you have excellent magnesium levels, when you’re actually suffering rampant cellular magnesium deficiency causing all kinds of health problems and symptoms, including pain.

By the way, by the time a blood test reveals low magnesium, you’re practically on death’s door, literally one beat away from a heart attack!**

As a final note, it’s important to not get caught up in diagnostic labels because PTSD, anxiety, depression and Chronic Pain Syndrome all share the same underlying factor: low magnesium.

I want to leave you with hope. Last year I treated the 87-year-old Mother of a patient of mine. This woman is an MD who had been bed-ridden for four years due to spinal pain.

We sprayed the Elektra magnesium spritz oil on her back. Within a couple hours, she was up and out of bed for the first time in four years!