Masters of Health Magazine June 2020 | Page 57

why wouldn’t someone suffer excessive thoughts, disabling feelings and be excessively worried about pain that his/her doctor cannot figure out!

The medical mainstream’s belief that anxiety or depression is the cause of pain is ridiculous and dangerous because this thinking leads to first-line treatment of pain using anti-depressant and anti-anxiety drugs.

Here’s the key point: The “which comes first: anxiety, depression or pain, chicken and egg, hair-splitting” misses the boat.


Because there is one underlying factor that can cause depression and anxiety and chronic pain:

Low magnesium!

In short, there is ample research proving that low magnesium causes chronic pain and that magnesium reverses all kinds of pain from all different origins:

Intravenous magnesium for chronic complex regional pain syndrome type 1 (CRPS-1).

The role of magnesium in pain

Magnesium for Pain Relief

Yet, despite the research, the mainstay of Chronic Pain Syndrome treatment is anti-depressants and other drugs.

What a dangerous abomination!

Especially considering that we know that prescription drugs lower magnesium levels.

Let me break this last point down: The drugs prescribed for pain (which itself is caused by low magnesium), lower magnesium levels further, worsening the underlying cause of the pain condition. This is just plain nuts.

I have to wonder if the reason anti-depressants stop working as time passes is precisely because the drugs themselves lower magnesium, which worsens depression and pain.

Worsening depression due to lower magnesium leads to an increased dosing of the anti-depressant drug, which lowers magnesium levels even more, and creates a vicious cycle of ever-increasing depression and pain.

Why do we not see magnesium even mentioned by prominent medical establishment’s websites as the first-line of treatment for pain syndromes?

For one thing, most doctors don’t take a single course in nutrition; meaning they’re not trained to think of nutrients instead of medicine.