Masters of Health Magazine June 2020 | Page 52

Winning the War on PTSD:

COULD A Nutritional Deficiency be causing Your

Physical Pain?

by Dr. Jamie Turndorf, Ph.D

Does your body hurt most or all of the time?

Do you suffer from throbbing, burning, stinging or stabbing pain?

Do you have headaches?

Or chronic neck or back pain?

Do your bones hurt?

Are your muscles stiff and sore?

Does pain make it hard or impossible to

perform daily activities like dressing or bending?

Is exercising impossible or are you laid up with

pain after you physically exert?

Do you regularly take OTC or prescription pain medicines or anti-inflammatory drugs?

Are you using drugs or alcohol to numb your pain?

Are you addicted to OTC or prescription pain meds?

Are you taking more than the prescribed dose

of OTC or prescribed medicines?

Do you feel guilty or useless as a result of your pain?

Have you lost your sex drive?

Is pain wrecking your sleep?

Are you unable to work or on disability because of your pain?

Is pain making you irritable and causing relationship difficulties?

And, last but not least, does the pain make you feel like you

don’t want to live?