Masters of Health Magazine June 2019 | Page 9

Due to an arbitrary DSM-5 diagnostic criterion, what most people don't realize is that vets with a coexisting mental health issue are automatically denied a PTSD diagnosis.

This is despite the fact that, according to the British Psychiatric Journal, it is rare for a vet to suffer PTSD without a coexisting mental health disorder.

As part of PTSD awareness month, I would like us all (as one collective family) to recognize and properly address this arbitrary diagnostic criterion that has resulted in the denial of mental health services for the millions of vets who suffer undiagnosed PTSD.

Therefore, I am so excited to inaugurate my monthly column in the wonderful “Masters of Health” Magazine.

The topic of helping to heal vets with PTSD is truly a labor of love for me. To understand why, please allow me to share a little about myself.

You may know me as "Dr. Love", from my website, radio show, TV appearances, and the many articles and books I've published.

My life’s work turns around teaching how to consciously use our intimate relationships to heal our traumas. I’m also no stranger to trauma.

Nearly 13 years ago, Jean Pin, my beloved husband of almost 30 years, was fatally stung by a bee while we were vacationing together in Italy.

For most of his life, Jean had been a famous Jesuit priest, Vatican professor, and founder of the Liberation Theology movement.

The Dalai Lama named him posthumously as one of the 50 men of all time who was one with God. Hay House published my number one bestselling Love Never Dies: How to Reconnect and Make Peace with the Deceased in which I share the story of my life with Jean and introduce my transformational new grief resolution method that enables the bereaved to heal the trauma associated with unfinished business with deceased loved ones.

Now to return to our topic.

Long story short, Jean once told me that he was going to send me the one man who would be right for me. Eleven years later, he did!