Masters of Health Magazine July 2021 | Page 39

A few examples are:

Moms Across America (MAA)

Children’s Health Defense (CHD)

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, ABIHM

Organic Consumers Association

Highwire, Del Bigtree 

Education for Total Consciousness (ETC) through the Global Energy Parliament (GEP)  who are doing a fantastic job educating and empowering parents and children alike.  See my previous article: ETC’s Learning Environment, by Lady Carla Davis, MPH in the June 2021 issue of MOH.


One of the finest programs for children is The Natural Child Project, which was developed by the late Dr. Peter S. Cook, M.B., Ch.B., M.R.C.Psych., FRANZCP, DCH., Consultant Child Psychiatrist.  His excellent and informative articles can be found on this site: 


I highly recommend every parent or parent-to-be and health professional take the time to explore the valuable information and articles on the links above. 

Too often we learn about this vital knowledge and wisdom after problems develop or when it is too late.  Sadly, there are not many cultures left in today’s world where this valuable knowledge is passed on to each new generation from mother to daughter because mothers are forced back to work and grandmothers are often heavily medicated and then confined to nursing homes.


Prevention, prenatal care, and nutrition are not being taught in most medical curriculums, nor in programs for pregnant mothers.  Now, it is all about medications and more drugs because the media gets over 70% of their revenue from the pharmaceutical industry.  Allowing them to advertise drugs was a bad mistake!


Government decision makers and parents need to reflect and address:

• WHAT is being done to our children and future generations? 

• WHY we are allowing the pharmaceutical industry, which has been sued more than any other industry for fraud and harm, to control and experiment on our children’s bodies and lives, and inject them with toxins under the guise of public health?  Four of the top pharmaceutical companies are convicted felons! 

•    WHY are we allowing agriculture industries and water suppliers, councils, and homeowners to use tons of endocrine disruptors, neurotoxins, and cancer causing chemicals on the very food our children eat, the water they drink and bathe in, and the lawns they play on?


The best things parents can do are to:

•    Educate themselves on all these issues and about good nutrition

•    Reclaim control of their children

•    Be environmentally and health conscious

Create a EMF-FREE and wifi-FREE environment

• Be aware of what your local, state, and federal governments are doing with your tax money

•  Demand an end to chemtrails and other pollutants (glyphosate, Ag chemicals, PFAS/PFOS)

•    Check your water supply and demand clean, pure water withOUT fluoride and pollutants

•    Buy and grow organic food

•    Reconnect with Mother Nature


Children need nourishment and nurturing.  In addition, children need the BASICS of life on a daily basis to grow and develop well and maintain a strong immune system.