Masters of Health Magazine January 2022 | Page 65

To create a blissful ambience, ETC’s learning environment incorporates the principals of sacred geometry, along with:


•   meditation and a relaxed feeling

•   fresh air

•   clean natural scents

•   beautiful visual surroundings

•   full-spectrum daylight

•   pleasant color frequencies

•   sights and sounds of nature

•   a comfortable temperature

• a classroom and building in proportion to the number of students

•  a harmonious location and size and shapes of objects

•  individual eye contact between the teacher and student

•   consciousness   


When a student’s senses are well nourished and harmonized with nature, he/she feels happy, healthy, and inspired with a sense of well-being.  This in turn generates creativity, confidence, advanced learning, and a better more peaceful society.


This ETC methodology of teaching, where the subjective and objective are connected, creates the most harmonious and productive learning environment for a higher consciousness.


To learn more and how this can be implemented read: Education for Total Consciousness, by His Holiness Swami Isa, which can be obtained at:, and become of member of the Global Energy Parliament (GEP). 


My GEP presentation on December 11, 2021, ETC’s Learning Environment, by Lady Carla Davis, MPH can be viewed in the JUNE 2021 issue of MOH


More than 70 experts in education spoke at this mega three day event.

Take a look at our Speakers page on the website to read about each of them and their specialties.

Keynote addresses were given by:


Prof. Asha Kanwar, President & CEO, Commonwealth of Learning

Prof. KV Thomas, Former Minister for Agriculture, India & Chemistry Professor

Prof. Takaharu Tezuka, President, Tezuka Architects.


His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa, Founder, of the Global Energy Parliament delighted the audience with his wisdom.


The GEP Speaker was the eminent Dr. CV Ananda Bose, Government and Project Advisor, Author, Educator, Chief Sec. to the Gov. of India, Vice Chancellor to the National Museum University, Chairman of the UN Consultative Body,  Rep. for Asia on the GEP Education Commission.


The Question raised to me as Minister for Environment was: 


Respected Minister, having witnessed so many of nature's outcries, education for preserving the environment is now a well acknowledged aspect in many curricula of the world, not least thanks to the SDGs (Stainable Development Goals) developed by the UN. Do you feel that Education for Total Consciousness is able to achieve this goal?”


My Answer:

NAMASTE His Holiness Swami Isa; Chairman Dr. Nair, Speaker, Dr. Bose; Sec. Dr. Thampan; Honorable Ministers and Government Leaders; Dignitaries; Educators; Members of Parliament; Mira Purn, Students, Rohini, & Susanne,


Thank you for this important question for which I have five points.

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