Masters of Health Magazine January 2020 | Page 95

We don't always speak our truth. Sometimes the truth is painful. We are taught to be polite or kind, instead. Another example is a habitual white lie. How often do we tell people we feel fine, when we don't? Or "nothing is new", when we don't want to share something new? Or that we like something, when we don't?

One reason why toning is an effective healing practice is because feelings attach to our sounds. Our subconscious feelings are a part of our spoken words. The quality of our tone communicates our underlying intent and feelings beneath our words.

For example, the "hello" we say to someone we love is different than the "hello" we say to someone we don't like. Our emotional communication is clearly in our tone of voice, more so than the words.

When our feelings and our words are not in alignment, we create dissonance in our bodies. Dissonance in our emotions will eventually create a lack of that a frequency. The energy is stuck and it cannot sound. In contrast, speaking our truth sets us free.

Toning is a way to clear stuck negative energies and buried feelings from ourselves. Toning is a way to reestablish balance in physical and emotional levels. Simply by uttering sounds we let the healing begin!


The word mantra is composed of several Sanskrit roots, "manas" meaning mind and "tar" meaning to free from. Chanting a mantra, rosary or sacred sounds can align you with positive physical, mental and emotional energies.

The realities we create are filtered through our emotions. We can sing a mantra and evoke a deity. Alice Baily tells us, "that the potency of a mantra depends upon the points of evolution of the man who employs it. Uttered by an ordinary man it serves to stimulate the good with in his bodies, to protect him and it provides a beneficial influence upon his environment. Uttered by an adept of an initiate its possibilities are infinite and far reaching." A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. A. Baily

Yantra is a meditation focused on symbols.

Zen is a meditation focused on a body sensation.

Mantra is a meditation focused on sound.

Be entirely absorbed in the pleasure of sound and let it rise in YOU! Don't think - feel! The mind splits your energy flow. You are chanting your energy; don't think of the sound as a tone but of your energy.

Try chanting Hi - Ho - Hu - Ha - Hi and watch your energy rise.

Try chanting the sound ahh and watch the subtle feeling that is creates in your heart!

Look for serenity within!

Mantras have been said to:

· Take you to another dimension

· Unite you with a deity

· Evoke special feelings within yourself

· Produce spiritual blessings

· Clear charkas

·Stimulate the pineal gland