Masters of Health Magazine January 2020 | Page 76

For Ethical Reasons,

Use Alternatives to Glyphosate

Dr. Julie K Bjornson

Our brain is very complicated. Its development is extremely sensitive to toxic chemicals.

The damage is not obvious. During brain development, billions of cells must end up in the right spot, with the right connections, at the right time. Neuro-developmental deficits, such as a reading disability, cause children to function at a lower level than average; they are slower, can’t concentrate as well; they don’t remember, can’t find words or have difficulty coordinating finger movements. Lowering the IQ average means more under-functioning children and fewer higher-functioning children at 130-plus.

Producing evidence on toxic chemical effects to the developing brain took three decades to invalidate the myth that the placenta protects the developing fetus, and inspire international collaboration on prevention of pollution. Some autopsies of children exposed before birth showed irreversible brain damage, even though their mothers were not poisoned.

Analysis of cord blood found hundreds of industrial and waste chemicals, clear evidence the placenta does not protect the fetus.

Specific chemicals damage the developing brain; lead, mercury, arsenic, brominated-toluene and certain metals, pesticides, solvents, industrial chemicals, PCB and flame retardants. Many chemicals used are not tested or regulated for human safety, passing through the placenta, the blood-brain barrier, and into mother’s milk.

Who will protect our children’s brain development? Scientists want more research. Industry ridicules research. Unfortunately, the 1970s Toxic Substance Control Act is totally irrelevant.

The Brain Drain in America needs to stop. America is 30th in the world for literacy; 53 percent of Martin County third graders passed the Florida Third Grade reading test, the rest destined for the prison count. Autism spectrum disorder is epidemic.

Thankfully, Stuart and Martin County commissioners banned Roundup/glyphosate herbicides. The next generation is at risk. Help Martin County become toxin-free.

Ethically, use alternatives.