Masters of Health Magazine February 2023 | Page 100

and sang to my daughter saved her life, helped relieve pain, assisted in reconstituting human tissue, restored nerve function, influenced emotions, and helped people recover and walk again.  These events show that there is so much more to these Signature Sounds than entertainment.

If examined using an oscilloscope, the vibrations of the sounds I sing create pictures.  Research at the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology & Sound Health have shown that individual tones can be diagnostically supportive, have long-term health implications, show that frequency can create form but more importantly these innate mechanisms need to be understood in order to elevate our knowledge of the planet and our existence. Already many large companies are filing patents based on vocal analysis.

Below is a sound picture of a tone I created for a comatose woman who had an undiagnosed spinal bleed.  The adage that our voice and thoughts can create reality is shown to be a reality here. Is that a useful talent?

I had never heard of anyone else hearing music coming from the side of a person’s head.  Is this an ancient talent that humans lost or is it a future talent just now being embraced?  Sylvia Franke, author of The Tree of life and Holy Grail states that Sharry Edwards, MEd is a “modern keeper of the Holy Grail information” so we can suppose that this is an ancient, forgotten talent being brought back into fruition.

John’s Hopkins University has confirmed that the ear emits a sound called an oto-acoustic emission.  My ears have been tested in university and military labs; indeed, I’m hearing the oto-acoustic emissions that are consistently being emitted by living systems.  Not only can I hear the sounds, but I can also duplicate the sounds accurately to two decibel points. 

With training, people can hear their own oto-acoustic emissions. Would being able to hear and interpret your own sounds, that would facilitate complete wellness, be useful?

From the studies that have attempted to interpret individual oto-acoustic emissions in support of optimal health, it has been determined that the sounds from the ears are mimicked by the voice and from measurements of the frequencies of the voice, frequency-based solutions can be created and quantified.  Does this mean that mathematical, frequency-based tones could be used for healing?

Dorinne Davis, MA, CCC-A, FAAA, author of Sound Bodies through Sound Therapy, works with helping children regain speech. 

She is involved with the Alfred Tomatis’ method of evaluating oto-acoustic emissions to assist in regaining brain function and language.  Her studies have proven that 100% of the time, the voice emulates the tones bring emitted by the ear. 

The science of Cymatics postulates, and can prove, that frequency vibrations can animate small particles into geometric shapes.  My ears can “hear” the shape of a room and based on the dimensions of the room can identify the architecture of the room. If I “sing” the exact harmonics of a space, an echo is created.  Many ancient enclosures are considered to be healing.   How much did the ancients know that we are just don’t remember?


The knowledge that the tones I created, as musical notes, could make people physically weak or strong set me on a quest that led to Susan Alexjander who set human DNA to musical notes (see her Sequencia album) and James Gimzewski, a UCLA Professor who has proven that living cells create sound.


Alexjander’s group created haunting music based on the frequencies of DNA and Gimzewski stated that if we could figure out the cellular sounds of humans that it would change the face of medicine allowing us to “fix’ ourselves using different frequency formats.  History reports that humans throughout recorded history used frequency as music to heal and soothe!


When you consider that our DNA frequencies can be transformed into musical representations, it supports the idea that we created music in our own mathematical image.


It turns out that the sounds I hear create a sound matrix for each individual.  These frequency patterns are hiding in the voice.  Could the music of our own voice be used to identify the math matrix required for each person to become whole? 


But there is more.  How long has this information been around, unnoticed?  The journal, Nature Neuroscience, devoted a special issue to the topic. In an article in the August 6, 2023 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience, David Schwartz, Catherine Howe, and Dale Purves of Duke University argued that the sounds of music and the sounds of language are intricately connected. 


It is possible, that we could be living systems managed by innate frequencies measured as music, aroma, vibration, color, brain waves, language…  Could we be self-contained, completely “managable” through our individual frequency/energy-based Signatures?


Vocal analysis comparisons at the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology & Sound Health have shown that humans have an innate systems of body frequencies that can be managed using ambient tones or by a simple remote control that is completely programmable. Would that make us very sophisticated carbon-based robots?

 This leads to the unique protocols of Vocal Profiling for evaluation and frequency-based outcomes for anomalous emotional as well as physiological issues that need to be revealed and resolved. 

Music, as frequency formulations, create seemingly magical results that defy conventional medicine.  Frequency is the basis of our universe. We measure it, study it, quantify it and use it to understand ourselves, our environment, our biochemistry and our behaviors. But what if there were more to our origins? What if Frequency (the measurement of Vibration), the basis of everything, is more than synthetic equations; what if math is organic:  If so, could we be considered math-based life forms?

It is well known that Music, or simply instrumental tones, have the ability to influence our emotions, mood and healing potential.  At its core, Music is math-based.  Therefore – the concepts of math can potentially be healing.  Brian Butterworth, Cognitive Neuroscientist at the University College of London, argues that humans, even as babies, are hardwired for math.


Do vocal frequencies contain the intrinsic codes of math as medicine for each individual?  Was it once, an individual common Octave of music that could be used to create, to cure --- everything?  How useful is it that we have become individually unique?  Is there a math magic of our existence? Were we vibrated into existence?

Math is consistent and dependable.  Is it advantageous to humankind that everyone is individual or would anyone benefit from us all being the same, therefore more readily manageable?