Masters of Health Magazine February 2020 | Page 83

The Potential of Mathematics

as Medicine

Does the Proof Exist?

Are we Merely Sophisticated,

Self-Programming Robots?

Breaking the Sound Barriers

of Disease

Mathematics Based life Forms

Is Frequency, as sound, light, vibration, aroma… the basis of our Universe. We measure it, study it, quantify it and use it to understand ourselves, our environment, our biochemistry and our behaviors. But what if frequency, defined by math, actually dictates and maintains our origins?

What if Mathematics, used to explain the basis of everything, is more than synthetic equations? What if math is organic? If so, could we be considered math-based life forms? If we break the codes of our existence, could that information be used to provide optimal form and function for our planet and all of its inhabitants?

In order to provide predictability and safety, the concepts of math and medicine often act conjointly to quantify, define and model medical practice. Studies conducted by the non-profit Institute of BioAcoustic Biology & Sound Health, located in Albany, Ohio, USA, have consistently demonstrated that math can be much more than a measurement tool. The case studies they have amassed, using

Math, as frequency-based BioMarkers, indicate that the solution to therapeutic predictability and resolution may be possible.

The Institute has provided a foundation which demonstrates that just as there are Pathways of compounds called Chemistry; there are Mathways of subtractive frequencies, dubbed Sonistry that can be used to create numeric biomarker matrices capable, individually and collectively, of being therapeutically predictive, diagnostic and prescriptive.

To date, there is no universally accepted modality that has the potential to assist in our biological survival or threat of biological, radioactive and pandemic threats; reverse stroke and muscle trauma or support space travel. The Institutes frequency-based solutions show the ability to overcome bone-loss and muscle atrophy. Conventionally, in many instances, by the time the cause has been identified, it is often too late to provide remediation. Frequency-based medicine has the ability to provide a prompt and corrective direction in person or via the internet.