Masters of Health Magazine December 2022 | Page 87

Digitalizing Humanity Implodes

By now, most humans are aware of the raging war against humanity.  For many years, globalists and technocrats have cunningly positioned themselves into powerful positions while most people were preoccupied with daily survival necessities.  However, not all is going as planned in the scamdemic of the century. 

The good news is that everything is being exposed like never before, and the globalist agenda for digitalizing humanity is imploding.  Their self-proclaimed experts still do not get it! 


First and foremost, humans are our most valuable resource because of their humane attributes.  To deny humanity is to rob the world of its most valuable asset and higher consciousness.  It defies all logic and is the height of inhuman stupidity.   Yet, some world leaders and groups (e.g., WEF) and their deranged advisors are determined to turn humans into microchipped subhumans, controlled by their apps and void of humanity.


We need to value and protect humanity.  Working with nature instead of against it has immense benefits.  History has shown that when people in positions of power go against nature, a destructive crisis occurs to force everyone and everything back into balance.  The bigger the imbalance, the more damaging the crisis. 

But, as the Chinese symbol teaches: Crisis = opportunity! 


Nature is the most powerful energy of all.  It has evolved over millions of years to its current state of perfection.  For anyone to think they know more or can do better than nature reveals the extent of their ignorance or stupidity.  Nature always wins in the end, even if a lot of destruction occurs during the battle.


HH Swami Isa’s Education for total Consciousness (ETC) teaches that every topic for study is related to nature.  Our inner and outer environments are inseparable!  Thus, learning becomes complete when we connect with nature.  Nature has endowed us with five senses, an intellect, and intuition that enables us to observe the miraculous visions and events in the world around us.  Our emotion-dominated mind helps to appreciate what we see.  Over 70% of how we learn is through visual in unison with our thinking brain. 

A seed sprouting, tender leaves emerging, flowers blooming, and babies, birds, and animals growing are all invaluable experiences.  No amount of textbook or digital app learning can provide the same knowledge.  Being alienated from nature breeds disasters!  Education that forms part of nature is essential for the well-being of humans and all the planet’s inhabitants.  

The sights and sounds of nature, science, and humane traits need to be part of a school’s curriculum, not controlled by a technocrat’s digitalized chips or apps.  We are an extension of nature, and nature is our extension! 

by Lady Carla Davis, MPH

Specializing in Nutrition

GEP Minister for Environment