Masters of Health Magazine December 2021 | Page 35

Note to the Reader:


If you are under cancer treatment adopting a better food diet and using proven natural compounds may be very beneficial. However, it is always best to consult your doctor if you have to follow a special diet during a course of cancer treatment. By no means is a food diet a substitute for care by a medical doctor.

Edtor’s Note: These protocols are not necessarily those of Masters of Health Magazine or staff.




1- Michel S. Donalson.  Nutrition and Cancer. A review of the evidence for an anti-cancer diet. Nutrition journal. 2004.3.11.


2- Keith R. Martin. Targeting Apoptosis with Dietary Bioactive Agents.  Exp. Biol. Med 231.117-129. 2006.


 3-Janet M. Pavese. Rebecca L. Farmer. Inhibition of cancer cell invasion and metastasis by genistein. Cancer Metastasis Rev. (2010) 29-465-482


 4-  A.R.M Ruhul Amin, Omer Kucuk, Faldo R. Ku]huri and Dong M. shin. Perspective for Cancer Prevention with Natural Compounds. Journal of Clinical Oncology. Vol.27. Number 18. June 2009.


5-   Alena G. Guggenheim. ND. Kirstein M. Wrights BS, Heather L. Swickey Ph.D. Immune Modulation From Five Major Mushrooms. Application to Integrative Oncology. Integrative Medicine, Vol 13. No1 February 2014


6-  Sanjwwv Banerjee, Yiwei Li, Zhiwei Wang, and FazLul H. Sarkar.  Multiple-Targeted Therapy of Cancer by Genistein. Cancer Letter. 2008.Oct.8 269 (2) 226-282.


7- L Muller et al. Effects of Broccoli sprouts and Live Attenuated Influenza virus in peripheral blood Natural Killer cells. A Randomized Double-Blind Study PLOS one 11. no1(2016) 0147742


8- Jerry T. Thomthwaite, Hare R, Shah, Pasupati Shah, William C. Peeples, Henry, Respess. The formulation for cancer prevention and Therapy. Advances in Biological Chemistry.  Vol3. No 3 (2013)


 8- JX. Kang and A Liu. The role of Tissue Omega 6 / Omega 3 fatty acid ratio in regulating tumor angiogenesis. Cancer and Metastasis Review 32. No1-2 (2013) 201-210.


 9- M. Gago-Dominguez et al. Opposing Effects of Dietary N3 and N6 Fatty Acids on Mammary Carcinogenesis.

The Singapore Chinese Health Study. British Journal of Cancer. Vol 9 (2003) 1686-1692


10- Kim ND, Mehta R, Yu W et al. Chemopreventive and adjuvant therapeutic potential of pomegranate  (Punica granatum) for human breast cancer Breast. Cancer Treat 71 203-217, 2002


11- Christopher Maucourant et al.. Natural Killer cell immunotypes related to Covid-19 disease severity. Science Immunology 5. 21 August 2020.


12- Kazuyoshi Takeda and Ko Okumura. CAM and NK cells. (Dept of Immunology, Juntendo University Scholl of medicine. Tokyo. Japan. (CAM 2004. 1 (1) 17-27.2004.


13- Serge Jurasunas. NK Cell-Based Immunotherapy in the Treatment of Cancer Using a New Arabinoxylan Rice Bran Compound.  Townsend Letter.33-45. August\Sept 2019.



14-Manson MM Cancer prevention-the potential for diet to modulate molecular signaling. Trends Mol. Med. 003.9.11-8.


15- Donalson MS, Nutrition, and cancer. A review of the evidence for an anti-cancer diet. Nutr J. 2004.3-19.


16- Diet, exercise, and complementary therapies after primary treatment for cancer. Lancet Oncology  Vol 7 December 2006.


For more information about my Diet, Healthy Food, Detox Program, Recipes, Iridology, and Live Blood Analysis, etc., please consult my books:


“Health and Disease Begin in the Colon -Featuring Professor Serge Jurasunas’ Natural Medicine”. (Available on Amazon)


“Cancer Treatment Breakthrough-Immuno-Oncology Using Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Compound”.


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Forestville, Ca. 95436 

(also available through Amazon)



Contact information: [email protected]
