Masters of Health Magazine December 2021 | Page 34

utilized this combination for the past 4 decades and now it began to become a rule even in the ketogenic diet by restricting calories and helping the body to recover. Healthy cells are more protected from chemotherapy and it also helps to decrease inflammatory factors.

Editor’s note: Supervision by a health professional is advised during fasting.



Approximate proportions in an anticancer diet are as follows:


60% vegetables.    10% proteins.  20% fruits,

10% carbohydrates. 80% alkaline food, 20% acidic foods.


Try to have 60% (or more) raw food.

40% cooked food.

Editor’s note: Warming cooked foods are needed in cold climate.

Steamed vegetables at low temperature are the best way to release the nutrients and antioxidants.


Per day, drink about 400-500 ml. (16oz.) of mixed vegetable juice.


2 meals per week eat only fruits such as Non-GMO papaya, grapes, pineapple, apple, mulberry, and raspberry. (Organic for all foods)


2 meals per week eat whole grain rice, steamed vegetables, and kefir.


Eat one avocado per day, which is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids including oleic acid that reduces inflammation. Avocado is very high in potassium, contains copper, vitamin C, E, B-complex, many carotenoids, and fibers. Avocado is a good antioxidant that protects the body agents free radicals.


Always Keep These in Your Kitchen:

 Dried spices: Basil, cinnamon, clove, paprika oregano, thyme, turmeric, etc...

Nuts: Almonds. Pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts

and dried fruits: Apricot, apples, prunes, raisins.

Dried mushrooms: Porcini, shitake, chanterelles, etc... 

Whole grains: *Barley, buckwheat, quinoa,

millet, oats, whole bran rice, *whole wheat, wild rice.   (*For gluten free, avoid)

Seeds: Chia, sesame, flax seeds, pumpkin/pepitas, sunflower. (Organic and not rancid)

Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar is most highly recommended along with Balsamic vinegar from Italy.


Be Sure to Buy Only Organic Foods - Especially Dried Fruit


Mini-fasting:  Eating with an interval of 14-16 hours between diner and breakfast, which helps the body to regenerate, to produce less free radicals, less inflammatory proteins CRP, and IGRF-1 (a growth factor that promotes tumor development by inhibition of apoptosis and stimulating cell proliferation). Also, mini-fasting permits the body to detoxify and reactivate the immune cells.


 As a Doctor of Naturopathic Oncology who has treated thousands of patients for many years, I also worked as a researcher and scientist that constantly searched and investigated simultaneously in several directions.

I then welcomed the conclusion that first, the best way to beat cancer is to prevent it via a better lifestyle and food diet. and if possible, by using organic food. Any proved food that supports one or several of your defense system will point you in the right direction.

Remember that health is a gift that we have received, but today it has been replaced by disease.

Thus we need to learn more about the nature of health and how to be healthier. Education is vitally important and should be shared with everyone.