Masters of Health Magazine December 2021 | Page 30

These include BcL2 family proteins, an oncogene responsible for increasing cancer cell survival, and caspases which are proteins associated with the final mechanism of apoptosis. In other words, sulphoraphane kills cancer cells through apoptosis. 

Another important anticancer property of sulphoraphane is angiogenesis suppression and metastasis through inhibition of growth factor (VEGF) used by the tumor to attract new blood vessels and produce the enzymes necessary for tumor degradation of surrounding tissue, which then penetrates the circulation to launch metastasis. Blocking angiogenesis is one important step in cancer prevention and treatment. Eating broccoli sprouts can also increase the activity of your NK cells in the blood, which not only fights cancer cells but also influenza viruses (see reference #7).

Broccoli and watercress contain another chemopreventive agent called PEITC  (phenethyl isothiocyanate) that restores mutant P53 to a normal WT(Wild Type) function, thus activating apoptosis.

As result, this finding suggests that PEITC and other natural compounds could play an important role in both cancer prevention and Oncological treatment. In fact, several natural dietary agents have been proven effective in enhancing conventional cancer treatment efficacy, working in synergy with chemotherapy to increase cancer cell death.


Figure 6: Broccoli is one of the highest sources of sulphoraphane